It is Brian Gerrish's opinion that the cluster of suicides in children in Bridge End and Glasgow is caused because of their affiliation with training acadamys, which are a product of Common Purpose that use NLP to create behaviour change:
Extracted from Universally Aware:
"I felt the need to
write a short report on the use of NLP by Common Purpose, as I am aware that
some may understandably wish to know more about this. NLP can be used to improve
the mind and emotions, however if this technique is used to manipulate and
control it can be very dangerous. It really depends on who is using the tool…a
knife in the hands of a cook can be used to prepare a healthy, nutritious meal…a
knife in the hands of an unstable and dangerous criminal can be used to create
damage. Another thing to be mindful of is that if someone “chooses” to seek some
kind of assistance through the use of Hypnosis-NLP, that individual is entirely
responsible for their own choice of technique to be used and by who. It is a
completely different matter if Hypnosis-NLP techniques are being used on people
without their knowledge or consent, this would be an intrusion into the mind of
an unsuspecting victim….is this fairplay?
Here is a snippet
from a very good article which gives a good explanation on how NLP could be used
in a negative way…
Mass Hypnosis, NLP
and Common Purpose, what is that?
Frighteningly the only explanation
is that something fundamental has been manipulated in the minds of the military
personnel which has taken away their individuality to the point where a part of
them are almost “machine like” and any commands they are given will be carried
out without any apparent self judgement for their actions, if the wrong persons
are in command who knows what the military could be capable of in the
In the next chapter of this topic we
will investigate the phenomena of hypnosis Common Purpose and sub concious mind
control which you will learn to recognise and use for your own defence against
the onslaught of the clones in the media and authoritarian concept of the world
The video is an advertising campaign to get people to go onto their mind
altering training schemes. I wouldn't attend any of their 'mind conditioning'
courses no matter what the reason. They prey on uneducated people who know no
better. They want people to become part of the NWO agenda, to betray their own
race, to become a traitor & a collaborator. There is no white hat
involvement here, to wake people up, or bring them together - don't be
Listen to the whole MP3 file to understand what Common Purpose is
& why Brian Gerrish is only scratching the surface.
David Hawkins & Field McConnell - Discuss 911 & Pedophile Snuff
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