Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Start

I started off this blog after my son came from school with a sticker for "good eating". If you know why that's lead me to a deep frustration with the world's attitude to children, or if you are confused about what on earth could be wrong with that - stick with me.

I have started to wake up - it's so easy to just go through life looking at your day to day - but when you stop to look at the big picture, what has been happening right under our noses - you might just think that it is time for you to wake up too.

You will be stunned to find out what is happening in the Government in the UK (and worldwide - what happens in the UK will affect the world):
  • Bankers funding military style training acadamys
  • Sexual education getting increasingly graphic at a younger age
  • Control of the media
  • Common Purpose as a drive for the New World Order
I invite guest blog posts please and articles to raise awareness of the truth in the way we are living and socialising, why we need to change and how we can.

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