Somebody once said to me that there are people starving in this world because not enough people are consciously thinking that they shouldn't. I am only just starting to see what she meant.
I don't know if there is an active New World Order but if there was - we're all so isolated from nature and humanity - well could you see it?
I heard that in the US they are starting to microchip people. There is a Northern American Allegiance joining Canada, USA, South America and talk of a combined currency - the Americo. I don't know if this is true, but there are alleged plans of a currency for the whole of Asia too, then Africa - as a step to having a global currency, a global world.
I started seeing how the creation of wars is so important in order to have control of the world's resources. War on terror? What terror? Who says that there is terror other than the media (controlled by the power) who want us to be so scared that we do as they want, like support a war which enabled the USA to gain access to oil, other resources and take down opposing powers who they'd previously supported. Historically the USA have funded terrorists, it would stand to reason that if you set nations against each-other it weakens them and strengthens their own. There are so many discrepancies about what happened on September 11th 2001, a day when so many beautiful people died. I don't know the truth but I am not going to accept everything that the Government and media state is true because there are too many eye witnesses, leaks, and professionals fired for having opinions opposed to what the US Government stated happened. There are eye witness testimonies videotaped just after leaving the building who said there was a bomb in the lobby just before the plane hit. There are a plethora of witnesses including fire fighters who say there was molten steel on ground zero that couldn't have occurred from the building collapsing. How did it get there and why did the US Government not investigate this or divulge it?
It is funny that I have started to see these things because I never questioned anything before. I had my neat house with all these things, a well paid job, I liked to have all my beauty cosmetics and all my life in neat boxes - and then I started questioning what was true, what is reality - and perhaps it is driving me mad? But what I do know is that I have a growing unease that started after having my son that the way most of us are living is not right.
These are some of my thoughts as to how I would resist the New World Order:
1. Don't be a consumer - reuse - buy from car boot sales etc or borrow (doing already)
2. Grow my own fruit and vegetables or buy from a local coop/allotment (tick doing this already)
3. Take our money out of the banking system or at least avoid any banks that line the Rothchilds pocket (I am ignorant here!) - our money is in an ethical CO-OP bank but thinking aboutmoving it into a CREDIT UNION bank and helping out by voluntering
4. Learn about alternative medical practices (planning on herbal medicine being my next obsession)
5. Develop a consciousness of how to help people
6. Stop buying from supermarkets (getting there! Using fabric nappies and trying to use natural products)
7. Seek Jesus (may be that should have gone first?!)
8. Unschool my children (oh I really want to but so difficult without any support only opposition)
9. Try to raise awareness of authentic / natural / respectful / primal / conscious parenting practices as a model for societal change
10. Be loving and respectful to everyone I meet (a very hard one for me, I'm so cranky)
11. Choose not to vaccinate (my husband made me take them for most of their immunisations - somehow avoided MMR still for the girls)
12. Try to eat local unprocessed foods
13. Campaign against Government initiatives that destabilise family and create workers
14. Campaign for human rights
15. Campaign against CODEX
16. Connect with nature and encourage children to do the same
17. Remember that all man is created equal
18. Create a community
19. If I see something that doesn't look right, i'll report it and make a fuss
20. Don't fall for the aliens hoax (when it comes) that I believe might be in operation again to get world to form one Government against the ooooh aliens that are being staged
21. Fight the small changes because they will add up to something uncontrollable
22. Resist the implementation of ID card and interbody microchips
23. Try not to have a mortgage, or fund a mortgage (ie renting to pay someone else's - I'm thinking clubbing with other families to buy land and start a community)
24. Buy lots of tree planting packs
25. Plant 2-3 fruit trees in your local area so all children can have free fruit.
26. Petition for tax and profit free organic fruit veg and green energy
27. Research and implement FREE energy Ref Paul Larkin researcher speaking on Greenplanet NZ podcast
23. Do not buy pronography. Formore infor look at where the money goes - entwined with child pronography abductions
24. Spread the word!
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